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Ethics Information

Some of those in the world of awards (including us) believe that HOW we do things is just as important as WHAT we do.  And so, it can be worth your while to examine some of the resources here concerning web ethics.  There is a sample ethics statement that you can adapt for your own awards program as well as links to Internet ethics organizations.  Some of the organizations listed here are specific to awards programs, some are not.

Sample Ethics Statement for Awards Programs
Ethics Organizations for Awards Programs

COE 2004 Global is an ethics initiative that started in Germany, moved briefly to the USA, and is now back in Germany.  They strive to have award programs uphold an ethics pledge.  (In English and German.)

Ethics Pledge Program is an initiative dedicated to supporting integrity, honesty and fairness in award programs.

World Wide Web Ethics Community is a new organization dedicated to the promotion of ethical behavior for awards programs, awards indices, and business sites.

Other Internet Ethics Organizations

Association for Positive Ethical eXchange (APEX) has a mission to "increase the credibility and professionalism of all website owners, designers and users, to set ethical standards, encourage professional practices, and promote fellowship amongst Internet users."  APEX has some award programs as members, but the mission of APEX reaches out to all Internet web sites.

Association for the Protection of Internet Copyright (APIC) is dedicated to education and enforcement of copyright laws on the Internet.  Many useful links concerning copyright laws around the world.

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